Offre Globale
Leading Change Survey
Communication Survey
Learning Center

Are you using best practices in Managing Communication ?

"The communication requires 25% of the Leader's time" Chester BarnardThis survey is a way to give you tips and suggestions for Managing your Communication. We currently use it as an audit tool to see if you are utilizing best practices in your current and future communication plans...

Moreover, its a way to make you aware of the Dynamics Thalentis implement, any kind of Operational Consulting Services we are providing to our customers.

          Organisation, Performance, Technology & Human Capital

  • Are you using the preferred senders to deliver communications in your organization ?
  • Are you answering the questions "why is this change happening" and "what is the risk of not changing" ?
  • Are you answering the question "what's in it for me (WIIFM)" ?
  • Are you resisting the urge to have communications come from the project team or project leaders ?
  • Are you using face-to-face communication ?
  • Are you repeating key messages 5 to 7 times ?
  • Are you creating opportunities for two-way communication ?
  • Are you preparing the communicators (typically your managers and supervisors) to deliver effective communications and have the necessary conversations ?
  • Are you finding effective ways to reach your audience ?
  • Are you using assessment tools to evaluate the effectiveness of communication messages ?

